Autograph Policy

Come to the autographs space day of or day before the time you would want to see your favorite guest.

Our staff will let you know what times based on our autograph schedule are available and get you and your group signed up for a 15 minute slot.

The ticket you receive once you have picked a time is your reminder and our confirmation for when you come back for your time slot so it is important you don’t lose it!

When it is the day and time of your 15 minutes that your group has signed up for make your way back to autographs and stand in line just like usual. Just instead of for possible hours, now it’s just 15 minutes instead!

Autograph signup slots may be “capped” at any point to keep to schedules of the guests.

Each guest has different pricing and holds the right to choose to sign a personal item for free or not. Our autographs staff is kept to date on any changes at all times for pricing, and is available while autographs are open for any questions.

Each guest holds the right to not sign an item for any reason from possible bootleg merch, inappropriate items, or not relevant to their work.

Lastly there are a few rules that all must follow to make a safe and respectful space for all:

  • Do not go behind the guest's table
  • Do not take a photo of a guest unless consented to do so
  • Please be respectful of your fellow attendees and avoid lengthy conversations with the guests.
  • Do not touch the guests
  • Please follow instructions of our autographs and guest relations staff

Failure to follow these rules will mean immediate removal from the autographs space.